I was watching TV when I saw the Wal-Mart "It's True" commercial for anybody who hasn't seen it, a women buys something from Wal-Mart staring at the recipt and the Wal Mart employee says "It's True." As she goes home there are many Wal-Mart employees telling her that "It's True" until the final employee is on the families skylight while the family is eating dinner!
REALLY!!!???? REALLY!!!!!????
Is this commercial really implying that all Wal-Mart employees will follow you home to make sure that you know that Wal-Mart is the best store in the world with low prices? Do prospective Wal-Mart employeers need to go through a orientation on how to stalk?
I never want to shop at Wal Mart again, who would think that "hey stalkers are okay, and everybody thinks that they are awsome! Let's use them as our new mascot instead of that smiley face."
The Bottome Line: No more Wal-Mart, no more....... I am scared to shop in your store now!
hahaha. yes, they have a stalker orientation. could you imagine ?! yeah i hate walmart commercials too though. especially the "rolling back prices" ones. theyre so dumb. what is up with that creepy happy face guy ?! man, i never noticed how creepy all their commericals are.
this post made me laugh out loud. If you are interested in Walmart and other reasons to not shop there, check out this documentary:
http://www.walmartmovie.com/ It is called Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices. Maybe we should watch it in class. I haven't seen it yet, but maybe you could watch it and let me know. I don't think I have a good grasp on what is interesting or not. (remember the electric car incident?)
Let me know!
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