One of my favourite movies is Little Miss Sunshine which was a film festival movie. I've noticed something about myself and my friends, the fact that we all really love Film Festival movies. Everybody else should start watching film festival movies like Little Miss Sunshine, Dreamland, Half Nelson, or Water because they are very good movies, the content is so good. In general film festival movies are more about content then how many things can explode in an hour and a half.

Little Miss Sunshine is about a family of six that set off on in their VW van to get to the Little Miss Sunshine beauty pagent. The youngest is Olive who is an aspiring beauty queen of the age of seven, Dwayne the teenage son (played by Paul Dano) reads Nietzsche and has taken a vow of silence until he is accepted into the air force academy to fly jets, Frank (Steve Carrell) is the suicidal brother who failed in killing himself and is forced to live with his sister Sheryl. Sheryl (Toni Colleti) is supporting the entire family as her husband Richard (Greg Kinnear) is trying to become a famous self-motivational speaker however he is failing. And finally there is academy award winning Alan Arkin playing the grandfather who is a war veteran and has been kicked out of the last retirement home he was in. The entire eccentric six head out on an adventure........

This movie is extremely good, it is powerful and extremely funny. It also has some serious realizaions of life: "You know what? Fuck beauty contests. Life is one fucking beauty contest after another. School, then college, then work... Fuck that. And fuck the Air Force Academy. If I want to fly, I'll find a way to fly. You do what you love, and fuck the rest."

I think this is true which is why everybody should either buy or rent or just even watch one of the best movies I have ever seen.

The Bottom Line: Life is one huge beauty pagent.... do what you love.
I also loved "Little Miss Sunshine." Some people I recommended it to didn't like it, and told me that it wasn't funny enough. It made me realise that a lot of people like their comedy served up to them in a McDonald's combo meal - fast, fast, fast. It sometimes worries me that many people don't seem to have the patience for subtle humour - everything must be so immediate - it's just so EASY to watch Anchorman (which I liked too, but found it didn't stay with me as long). Some of Little Miss Sunshine wasn't funny. Some of it was achingly sad, like when the brother discovers that he is colour blind. What an incredible actor - that scene had me in tears immediately.
Great post - I loved all the pics.
I've heard a lot of great things about this movie, but your blog is what has made me actually really want to see it.
I never actually saw the little miss sunshine movie but I think your opinion is very good. I think that I watch film festival movies. any way keep up the good work.
i have neaver seen little miss sunshine but after reading ur post about it i feel like i have to see it. it sounds good
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