Monday, March 26, 2007


I love Harry Potter, as lame as people might say Harry Potter is, I absolutely love the books and the movies. I love the books a lot more than the movies however I do enjoy the movies! This is a rant of Harry Potter outrage! I AM SO OUTRAGED that Miss Emma Watson who plays Hermione in the current four Harry Potter film has not yet signed her contract to play Hermione in the remaining final two films.. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, all because of one little snitch (enjoy the harry potter reference). Emma Watson wants no longer to be part of the harry potter craze because she is referenced everywhere she goes as "that girl from Harry Potter"!! How outrageous is this, I'll tell you how outrageous this is... IT IS COMPLETELY OUTRAGEOUS! I think that Watson should have some loyalty to the franchise that got her into acting, as awful as it would be to go to work and the franchise that she when interviewed claims she loves so much and the movies that have made her reknown and wealthy. Can she not make up her mind? I will make up her mind for her, take the $4.5 million offered to you and just make the films then you can go and do anything you want, if that is acting great if not whatever I no longer care because you, Emma Watson have nothing no longer to do with Harry Potter. Loyalty is important seeing as there are only two movies left Emma Watson should just except the large sum of cash that she is being offered and suck it up, if Emma Watson does quit the Harry Potter movies it will be confussing to see a new actress portraying her..... Emma Watson, be loyal and do the right thing. COME ON! No matter what happens,
The bottom line:I will remain loyal to Harry Potter!


sallyspaghetti said...

yeah i would be super upset if they made a new actress chick as hermione. I love those movies sooo much. but if any of the actors change, that would defintely suck.

Kise said...

I dont know why she wouldn't want to do something that everyone loves so much, and makes her so much money. She clearly didn't want to be an actress that bad if shes not jumping on the opportunity to be in such a classic for a second time. Harry Potter was a big hit, so its not like it was a big flop! Give it another try, Emma!

MzQbit said...

I can't believe Emma Watson has become a diva at the age of what .. 16? How famous has she become? How rich has she become? Hopefully, this is just a vicious rumour.

hews said...

Wowie. Deffinatly disappointed in Emmas choice. Like i had a hard time with switching dumbledoors. Its only two more movies! I really hope she doesnt leave harry and ron !!! That would totally suck!!!

Captian Awesome said...

it's goin to be so weird watching someone else trying to play hermione since she's already done like 4 movies and everyone has already fallen in love with her character